Acrobat Distiller questions & answers

Turns PS files into PDF documents
Question by Guest
October 31, 2023

"Adobe quit unexpectedly" error. Your fix says Distiller is required for troubleshooting but Distiller is not available anywhere on the internet. Would be easier if you just made Adobe NOT QUIT UNEXPECTEDLY! So how about you fix that? Thanks.

Usha Kumari
Answer by Usha Kumari

Adobe Distiller is no longer available in the public domain because Adobe has made changes to its software distribution and licensing models. It is now part of the Adobe Acrobat Pro subscription offering. The "Adobe quit unexpectedly" error may be unrelated to the availability of Distiller itself and could be a technical issue with the software. Troubleshooting steps, as suggested, may require the use of Distiller if relevant.

Answer by Ashish Bajaj

Yes, Acrobat Distiller should be able to convert Word documents to PDF format without losing any original hyphenations.

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Microsoft Office Word

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Adobe Acrobat Professional

Create, edit, convert, sign, annotate, and compress PDF documents.

PDF Password Remover

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